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"A network for connecting fermented foods to health status and social well being"


  • Genesis
  • Mission
  • Vision
  • Objectives
  • Goals
  •                GENESIS
    An international seminar on fermented foods, public health and social well-being was organised in Anand, Gujarat State, India during the 13th and the 14th of Nov 2003 with the financial support from SASNET - Lund University. The Programme was jointly organized by Swedish South Asian Studies Network (SASNET), Lund University SWEDEN and SMC College of Dairy Science, Anand Agricultural University, Anand, Gujarat State, INDIA. In all 164 delegates participated in the Programme, representing different parts of India and also Sweden, Denmark, Nepal, SriLanka, Bangladesh, USA and Australia. In the final Joint Session, the participants resolved unanimously to establish a Network on Fermented foods asking the organizing committee of the seminar to be the interim coordinating committee for development of proposals and for entrusting Dr. JB Prajapati as the co-ordinator of this network during this period. The aim of the network is to promote collaboration between scientists, students and industrialists of Sweden and south Asian countries.

    • To bring together scientists, governmental agencies, nongovernmental organizations, industry representatives, producers, consumers and any body else who may be interested in playing a role in promoting fermented foods, public health and social well-being in general and of the poor in particular.

    • To put spot light on the importance of developing finished products of added value for the globalised market, preferably novel fermented functional products.

    • To become a strong and active network of scientists and others who are interested in fermented foods.

    • To promote advanced research and higher education in fermentation as a sustainable food processing technology.

    • To promote development of fermented functional foods by developing collaborative network projects.

    • To have a server for maintaining a website of the network with provision for interactive communication between the members.

    • To establish and maintain an up-to-date data base on fermented foods of south Asia for information retreival.

    • To produce and publish a quarterly journal carrying scientific articles on fermented functional foods.

    • To own a model laboratory accredited not only to do research and development of fermented functional foods but also to scientifically test and document the data necessary/required to assert the positive effects in support of the health claims.

    • To own a model production facility for producing and marketing fermented functional food products developed by its members and/or other stakeholders.

    • To develop a forum for scientists of the south Asian countries, Sweden and other countries for exchanging information in the field of food fermentation and its practical application.

    • To promote collaborative research programmes among the scientists of Sweden and south Asian countries in the development of fermented foods as well as foster and maintain research links with scientists of similar interest all over the world.

    • To collect and disseminate knowledge on fermentation of foods from south Asian countries and to collaborate with food industries in product development and marketing of fermented foods.

    • To organize conferences, workshops, seminars and symposia.

    • To provide ready access to a network of leading scientists.

    • To provide rapid response for urgent issues.

    • To provide a forum for an unbiased interaction to scientists, government agencies, nongovernmental organizations industries producers and consumers.

    • To be a source of up-to-date knowledge in the area of fermented functional foods.


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